Keriden Fuels is a specialized production and distribution company serving the heating and cooking industries. Our products include kiln dried firewood, charcoal and biochar.
Our Baltic firewood species' are predominantly birch and ash with some oak and hornbeam, while our charcoal and biochar are produced by our partner company in Namibia using “green” encroaching invasive species.
Our kiln-dried firewood is produced in the Baltics and dried to a moisture content of below 20%.
The various Namibian invasive species of acacia like Kameeldoring (Camel Thorn), and Swarthaak
(Black Thorn), not only produce the best available charcoal, but they also produce superb
firewood for several reasons:
It is denser than ash, and even oak, which weighs an average of around 650kg per cubic
meter, while Namibian acacia can weigh in at up to 1230kg per cubic meter. And those
comparisons are with European hardwoods having four times as a higher water content!
Namibian firewood is dry at between 0 & 5% as opposed to the kiln dried European firewood of
around 20%.
We are in partnership with our producer in Namibia, using invasive species as our raw materials. Our own label “Keriden Fuels” is packed with quality produced and sorted charcoal. Not only is our charcoal and biochar of superior quality, but is competitively priced, making it a winner in the industry.
Keriden Ltd t/a Keriden Fuels
129, City Road
United Kingdom
Website created by Dezinaweb